Initial Inspection
The initial level of inspection involves checking each tow strap before it is put into service. It is essential that the correct tow strap is being used, and that it meets the applicable requirements. The inspection is performed upon receipt to ensure no damage has occurred during transit.
The tow straps must also be verified to be the correct product as ordered and to comply with the manufacturer’s specifications. Without printed product specifications, this comparison cannot be accomplished. If written records for individual tow straps are to be maintained, documentation should be initiated at this level of inspection.
Note: Record keeping at the initial level of inspection is not required.
Frequent Inspection
The frequent level of inspection is one that is done by the user or other designated person daily or before each shift in normal service conditions. In severe service conditions, the tow strap must be inspected before each us
The entire tow strap should be thoroughly examined and removed from service if damage is detected. If you are unsure whether the daily or pre-shift inspection has been done, take the time to inspect the tow strap before use. Never assume that someone else has completed the inspection.
A qualified person must also ensure that the tow strap is suitable for the intended use, hitch, load, and environment. Any condition that may present a hazard shall result in the tow strap being removed from service.
Note: Written inspection records are not required for frequent inspections.
Periodic Inspection
All tow straps must be inspected periodically by designated personnel at regular intervals. To validate the frequent level of inspection, the periodic inspection should be done by someone other than the individual(s) who performs the frequent inspection.
The interval is based on:
- Frequency of use
- Severity of service conditions
- Nature of the work being performed
Experience gained during the inspection of tow straps used in similar circumstances
Recommendations to prevent damage should be evaluated to improve the service life of replacement tow straps.
Note: Periodic inspection intervals shall not exceed one year.
The following time interval guidelines are recommended for periodic inspections:
- Normal Service : Yearly
- Severe Service : Monthly to Quarterly
- Special Service : As recommended by a qualified person
Written records of the most recent periodic inspection should be maintained. Reference to a unique tow strap identification number is not required.
Note: Tow straps removed from service that are not repairable shall be destroyed and rendered completely unfit for any future use.